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Post 22 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (part 6)

Recross by defense Smith “The State just asked you a question about solvent. The association chose to put $300,000 into the Toledo Community Foundation, fair?” Serda “Correct.” Smith “So that was obviously a decision that was made before Jason was treasurer?” Serda “Yes.” Smith “Okay so they chose to basically give away $300,000 from their accounts from their…” Serda “I wouldn’t call it giving away.” Smith “Moved it from being liquid.” Prosecutor Anderson “Your honor, this is beyond the scope of recross.” Smith “He asked about the solvency of the organization.” Judge “Overruled.” Serda “The account would get interest through the community foundation.” Smith “But the choice to move $300,000 to an account that they couldn’t just go in at a whim?” Serda “Correct.” This concludes her first testimony.

The prosecution brings her back later. The trial was fast-paced and it was hard for the jury to keep up. Stephanie seemed to talk kindly about Jason but with a few lies that really damaged him. The worst part is that Jason’s attorney (Smith) brought no records to court. None. You will see that the medical account is mentioned tons of times in this trial. You will only see some of it due to the summarization we are giving. Only one time does Stephanie admit she knew about it but the seed was planted to the jury and the other lies fed those seeds. Stephanie always seemed to appreciate Jason’s hard work for the center. Even when he recommended her to lose her pay, she was civil and seemed to want to work with the board. Her mother flipped out and began recruiting people to start a war in Stephanie’s name; even lying about Stephanie calling for Jason’s ouster. If Stephanie called for that publicly, she would have been removed from the board. We even believe that it is possible that the anonymous letter about her lies came from herself. Guilt.

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