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Post 30 – Trial – Ashley Clifton (part 1)

Ashley Clifton was the Attorney General’s forensic accountant.

According to Jason, Ashley Clifton was very kind even during testimony. She was kind during the investigation and he even appreciates that she acknowledges throughout her testimony that nothing could be missing at all. While most of her testimony was about numbers that really had little to do with the accusation, she said some very important things. There are several parts of her testimony that directly conflict with what her partner Corey Pratt says. Pay particular attention to some of her testimony concerning the instructions she received from her bosses. For many of the transactions that they accused Jason of stealing, she was instructed not to even attempt to verify them. She was instructed not to look into other suspicious activities. A conspiracy theorist would think that this was a setup but we will allow you to decide for yourself.

To Jason, the worst part of her testimony is that she testifies almost to his innocence. You will see what we mean. With that said, Prosecutor Anderson lies about her testimony. He accuses her of being the one that accuses Jason of the theft. Jason is pretty convinced that Ashley Clifton is highly ethical and would be offended by what Wood County and the Prosecutor’s office said about her testimony. One more thing. After she handed her report over to Wood County. Douglas Kinder never contacted her again. The records he received verified her spreadsheet but he did not try to examine anything further. Corrupt? Sure.

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