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Post 57 – Trial – Harold Jason Craig (part 6)

Pg. 973 Redirect from Defense attorney Smith. Smith “Just to be clear, we heard some testimony before. When the Visalus was being sold from the PHCA eBay account through the nonprofit section –“ Craig “Yes.” Smith “– who were you physically selling on behalf of?” Craig “The PHCA.” Smith “Okay. Even though you were physically doing the selling. It was on behalf of the association.” Craig “Yes. A nonprofit organization is on paper. They can’t list items on eBay. So asking me if I’m a personal nonprofit, no. There is no human that is a personal nonprofit.” Smith “You’re acting in your capacity as a board member?” Craig “Absolutely.”

Recross by Channa Beard. Pg. 979 Beard “But, again, backing up then, when the Visalus was in place PHCA was financially struggling, correct?” Craig “Yes.” Beard “So at that time it was okay to take commissions from Visalus –“ Craig “They were my commissions.” Beard ” — Correct?” Craig “No. It was okay for me to donate a portion of my commission to PHCA, yes, it was. That was my decision.”

Jury questions. Pg. 986 Judge “Was all Visalus product sold for fundraiser purchased with PHCA money?” Craig “Sold for fundraiser?” Judge “I’m reading the question as it is written.” Craig “Okay.” Judge “Would you like me to repeat it?” Craig “No, no, no. I understand what you’re asking. I’m sorry. With Visalus the answer would be technically yes.” Beard “So all of the Visalus that was purchased for the fundraisers was purchased by PHCA?” Craig “Well, I guess no because we used our –“ Beard “Nothing further, your honor.” Craig “I would like to finish answering the question please.” Smith “Mr. Craig would you like to finish your answer?” Craig “Yes. When the distributors donated their proceeds we would use that money to purchase more product to earn more to continue selling the product. So, yes.”

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