Please Sign Our Petition

Post 60 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (recall p3)

Here is the wordage used to request TCF funds after the Finance committee report.

From the October 2012 minutes, “PHCA needs a distribution from TCF to finance money making and savings initiatives. Stephanie will write request for all available funds. An automatic annual request has already been authorized in a previous board meeting. Dr. Past asks what the funds will be spent on. Only money-making investments (discussed in Finance Committee) or money-saving purchases. Anita proposes that we request all available funds from TCF. Jason makes a motion for Stephanie to draft a letter for TCF that requests all available funds. Steve 2nds. All approved.”

This seems pretty clear. The Finance committee had Jason as its chair for the record. Money for investments.

Now, more Visalus testimony. Notice once again how it is not tied to the board. Remember, this testimony is from Stephanie Serda, the Board President and Executive Director of the community center, not to mention the prosecution’s key witness. Pg. 1007 Anderson “Okay. Was Visalus then presented to the board?” Serda “I don’t remember specifically. I didn’t see it last night when I was looking in the minutes.” Anderson “You didn’t see any reference to it?” Serda “There’s a reference on one of the months on making money off of it.” Anderson “And the other employee’s name was what?” Serda “Spencer Moody.” Anderson “He was a paid employee?” Serda “Correct.” Anderson “And so it was just the three of you?” Serda “From the community center?” Anderson “Yes.” Serda “Yes. When Jason explained the program, he let me know that he had a couple other people. I think Kristie was involved. I’m not sure. A son of one of their family members was also involved too.” Anderson “Anybody else at the community center involved?” Serda “No.”

We are going to take a minute to remind you of certain things.

  • Stephanie Serda was President of the board and Executive Director.
  • Stephanie Serda testifies to Visalus not being discussed in any board meetings other than stating the PHCA was making money off of it.
  • Stephanie Serda states no one else from the board was involved.
  • Stephanie Serda states she thinks Kristie is involved.
  • Prosecution charges Jason with stealing commission from EIGHT NON-MENTIONED Visalus distributors from the PHCA.
  • Judge Refer denies the claim from these distributors that their money was not supposed to go to the PHCA based on prosecution and the Judge stated Visalus was for the sole benefit of PHCA. Clearly not fact according to everyone but them.
  • Jason was questioned about getting board permission for reimbursing the buyers and sellers of Visalus which was his job running eBay and being the treasurer.

Pg. 1027 Defense Attorney Smith “We heard about this medical account. Were you a signatory on the account as well? Serda “Signatory, is that what you said?” Smith “Yes.” Serda “Yes.”

Jury questions. Judge “What was the purpose for the medical clinic account that you and Mr. Craig opened?” Serda “We did not open. I did not open a medical account. So I don’t know a purpose for it.

This response is especially odd due to a recent letter mailed by an anonymous person stating that Stephanie Serda actually physically opened the accounts and Jason was a signatory. This is even beyond the fact that she lied the whole trial about knowing of its existence.

This is the end of the testimony.

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