Please Sign Our Petition

Post 72 – Letter to Rep. Jim Jordan

Last night I caught an interview with Jim Jordan about how he is concerned about Trump’s conviction (news story). Here is a letter I sent to his office:

Rep. Jordan,

While watching the news from my bunk at Richland Correctional Institution in Mansfield Ohio, I was finally able to take a breath of fresh air thanks to you. You see Mr. Jordan, I was convicted and sentenced to 7 years in prison. I have spent almost 5. I lost my mother and have watched as the people that I love and have protected for years have been abused and abandoned by the system that you represent. Here is where you come in; justice. If you take time to read the blog at you will easily be able to see that not only was my prosecution unjust, but according to former Attorney General and current Governor Mike DeWine’s investigator, it was what he would call a “political case,” this being testimony at trial. Being such an honorable man from the party of law and order, I feel comfortable that you will assist me in the justice that my family and I deserve. I find it admirable that you care so much about former President Donald Trump’s state case in New York. I cannot imagine the attention you will give to one of your own from the great state of Ohio. Being such an honorable man, I am sure that the political case that I am involved in will not sway your involvement due to the corruption being by members of the Republican Party. Feel free to summon Wood County Prosecutor Paul Dobson to a hearing explaining himself and his office.

There is no doubt that he would be happy to answer for this case with no evidence and a ridiculous amount of perjury evidence. Thank you for your time and dedication. I am happy to throw my support your way when you show your true colors on my behalf. In closing, please feel free to sign my petition. 

Harold Jason Craig
Richland Correctional Institution

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