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Post 64 – Sentencing Statements (part 1)

Jason received seven years in prison.

Here are closing lies by Prosecutor Anderson and a statement by Jason.

Pg. 15 Anderson “The evidence adduced at trial indicated that there is approximately $238,000 that the Accountant (Ashley Clifton) from the Attorney General’s office determined was stolen in regards to this.” Just look at Clifton’s testimony. Enough said.

Pg. 22 Anderson “In regards to that initially I am going to talk about one instance that occurred during the course of the trial. It was while Mr. Craig was on cross-examination by Ms. Beard. She, Beard put a lot of work in this particular case, probably knew it better than anyone. But she brought up this one check. It was a counter check that was made by the defendant. And he said the bank actually typed it in. But in the top left corner of that check it had his name and his address, saying he lived at Fort Meigs address at that location in regards to that. And then the check was made out to the PHCA. And in the same memo section down there he put in that it was for an in-kind donation, even though it was a check for $1,800 in cash that he supposedly was donating to the PHCA in regards to that. And it was signed by him. So he created this thing to make it appear like he was donating this money. And maybe it’s because of his lack of education, but its not an in-kind donation if you’re giving cash. It made no sense in regard to that aspect of it. But if you look closely at the actual check and routing number, it turns out it was a PHCA account. So he wanted to make it appear he was donating the money to the association when he was just giving the money back to the association from themselves. It was a check from the Heights and not from him, even though he made it appear that way. But that’s often what he does. He wants to appear to be doing something he is not. And I think that’s what we want to really look around in this particular situation in regards to that. And when confronted by that in front of the jury his response in front of the jury was ‘so.’ I don’t know if it meant so what are you going to do about it or so what.”

Paul Dobson should be ashamed of having these men on his staff. First, the explanation of counter checks was given. That is what KeyBank did. Second, who would Jason be trying to impress? He made the deposit into a different account. Where, Mr. Anderson did any report or minutes give Jason credit for a $1,800 donation? Nowhere. And, Mr. Anderson, according to your six days of trial, Jason did not detail the very few treasurer reports he gave. So again, who thought he made it as a donation? No one. Just another one of your lies. Finally, after multiple people read over 1000 pages of transcripts no one sees what you see with regards to saying “so”. Unbelievable to everyone that you somehow get enjoyment or a reward for lying.

Pg. 29 Anderson “Not only that, he doesn’t put it into the general account fund of the Keybank. He puts it in the medical account. The account that has never been used before. Nothing had ever been deposited in that account.”

Regarding Dr. Paat. Anderson “But he had his own private nonprofit foundation when he was running his medical clinic out of the PHCA. And he kept running it there until the board, in its infinite wisdom, decided they didn’t want to have a free medical clinic, they needed Dr. Paat to pay rent to them to basically provide free medical services to the residents of citizens of the Perrysburg Heights community area. So he puts it in that particular account to where nobody is going to see it. It’s never going to be registered in any active accounts of the PHCA. It’s hidden. Still beating that dead horse. This is what has come from the Wood County Prosecutor’s office.

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