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Post 15 – Trial – Anita Serda (concluding thoughts)

This testimony speaks to Ms. Serda’s true motivations the whole time. Pg. 260 Smith “When you were active with the board, did you feel that the fundraising that you did was sufficient to continue to maintain the organization?” Serda We needed to do a lot more.” Smith “Where were those expenses, where was the difference?” Serda “Where was the difference?” Smith “You said you needed to do a lot more. Why?” Serda “Well, just for operating expenses.” Smith “So your expenses were exceeding what you were bringing in?” Serda Some Years.” Smith “Why was that?” Serda “Some years you don’t have people that are committing. The economy is set back. And we didn’t have major donors coming in as we had in previous years.” Smith “So I guess I am a little confused. If that was something that was a feeling, wouldn’t that put people on notice that there were financial concerns with the organization?” Serda “I didn’t hear the last part of your question.” Smith “If you knew that your expenses were exceeding your revenue, wasn’t that putting the board on notice that there were some financial issues?” Serda “We did not have it in that fashion because we did not have the reports to review. So we didn’t know ahead of time. We were being told verbally that if we did not do something we were going to have to close the doors. But there were no financial records to look at.”

What? We were being told we were going broke but it was not on paper so we did not know. “No reports” was untrue, but the excuse? Here are the treasurer’s reports.

At the conclusion of Anita’s testimony, the jury gets to have the opportunity to ask questions. All three of the questions were about the frequency of receiving treasurer reports. Her answer to all was they were sporadic. She also did not remember how many she received in the 11 months they were on the board together. The meeting minutes show an entirely different story that the jury never heard. This, of course, was because Jason’s attorney did not bring any of the evidence to trial. After Anita was removed from the PHCA board and, for unknown reasons, left her job at Bowling Green State University she was hired shortly after by the Sylvania Area Family Services where she was terminated for the admitted theft of gift cards meant to help struggling families. She was charged but ultimately the charges were dropped also for unknown reasons.

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