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Post 9 – Trial – Anita Serda (part 2)

All of these recommendations were to save or generate money for the PHCA in an effort to continue being able to pay Stephanie and the other staff. While understandable, Anita Serda was about preserving Stephanie’s job.

Pg. 225 Anderson “And what I’m going to ask you now, how did you met Mr. Craig?” Serda “He was a resident in the community. I don’t know what year. His children were involved with programming at the community center. And, you know, that’s how he got involvement. He was very eager to do everything he could to give the best to his daughters. And I always wanted everyone from the community to be involved with the organization, to be able to give back in any capacity, so eventually we had talks. And I was actually the individual to nominate him to join the board.” Anderson “You were happy to have him there?” Serda ” Yes” Pg. 226 Anderson “And after he came on the board did he get an elected position?” Serda “Yes” Anderson “And do you recall approximately when that was?” Serda “I don’t remember the exact year; but he was voted in as treasurer of the organization.” Anderson “That was the position he held?” Serda “Correct.” Anderson “Was he reluctant to take that position?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “But he took it?” Serda “Yes.”

This testimony is especially important for comments later in the trial by the prosecution. In speaking to the jury you will see they push the theory that Jason scammed his way in to steal from the PHCA.

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