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Post 12 – Trial – Anita Serda (part 5)

The May 20, 2013 board meeting was when Jason made a motion that the board ceases to pay any employees on June 7th unless by event to preserve expenses or until proper funds are raised to continue operating indefinitely. The board voted in favor.

Stephanie asked Jason if he and Steve Kramer were going to volunteer to run the center. Jason said yes and he would use his employees from the gym to run the whole center. He then stated he would call a special meeting to change the vote upon the board raising enough money.

After this meeting, the Serdas called a special meeting inviting the community in an attempt to run Jason off. It was odd and actually against PHCA bylaws to attempt a public vote to remove a board member. At trial Anita stated Pg. 233 “And at that time Stephanie felt that there was a need to take a vote to have Jason removed from the board.” This is even a sad moment at trial for Jason. It was not Stephanie, it was Anita that made the motion. This is what ultimately led to her removal from the board. The lies continued. “The unfortunate part of closing a nonprofit is that you are in jeopardy of losing your 501(C)(3).” No one knows where this myth came from. The mission was to improve the quality of the neighborhood. Having a building has absolutely no true bearing on that mission and the PHCA had been in existence long before it had a gymnasium and building. This is another way she garnered support through misinformation.

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