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Post 13 – Trial – Anita Serda (part 6)

The PHCA had an endowment fund with the Toledo Community Foundation. Later in the trial, you will hear an effort from the prosecutors to convince the jury that Jason was responsible for financial issues. However, this statement from Anita probes the PHCA always needed money. Pg. 236 Anderson “During the time you were there, were they doing pretty consistent draws off the endowment fund to help allay the costs?” Serda “When I was still involved, we did that on an annual basis.”

See how the prosecutor lies about this testimony from Anita in his closing argument where he says that they never withdrew from the fund until Jason was on the board.

Defense Attorney Smith Pg. 247 Smith “Let’s talk a little bit about Mr. Craig’s involvement with the organization. Tell me about your understanding of his fundraising efforts.” Serda “Well, separate from the board, festival, he was doing — that I remember — gift cards and Visalus. And there was another type of card that generated some type of income.” Smith “And to the best of your knowledge, particularly when you were on the board, were you aware of these fundraising activities.” Serda “Yes.”

Other important Q and A’s: Pg. 250 Smith “How often were you provided a treasurer’s report?” Serda “Maybe once every four months.” Pg. 251 Smith “Did you ever have financial concerns for the association?” Serda “Many years. It’s a nonprofit organization. And we started a grass roots effort. So there are many times that we wanted to make sure that, you know, we could keep it going.”

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