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Post 14 – Trial – Anita Serda (part 7)

Pg. 253 Smith “Let me ask you this. Did you make any complaints to the State of Ohio about the organization?” Serda “I submitted a concern.” Smith “When did you do that?” Serda “It might have been 2013 or 2014.” Smith “How soon after you were no longer on the board?” Serda “I don’t recall.” Smith “Ok. What was the nature of the complaint?” Serda “Just wanting to make sure that the organization as a nonprofit was being run like it should be and according to the mission and the bylaws.” Smith “Was this a result of you being no longer on the board?” Serda “No.” Smith “Would you have made the complaint while you were still on the board?” Serda “Yes.” Smith “Did you?” Serda There was nothing to complain about at the time. I mean, I’m not sure what you mean.”

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