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Post 61 – Trial – Closing Arguments (part 1)

Now we will begin showing you some of the closing arguments. When it comes to Defense Attorney Smith and Prosecutor Channa Beard it will be short. They were what you would expect. However, Prosecutor Anderson changes everyone’s testimony. He testifies like a witness and changes all the evidence. Read the story about how his boss Tom Matuszak constantly used the same techniques. We will do our best to put the true testimony in for each lie Anderson tells.

Some of the excerpts will be reminders of testimony, but you will see that Prosecutor Anderson just starts telling his own story. This is where the prosecutorial misconduct adds a lot to this corrupt conviction.

Pg. 1039 Prosecutor Channa Beard does add a whole new theory of what really happened regardless of everyone’s testimony. Jason planned this from the beginning. She says this even though everyone agrees he did not want to be the treasurer. Beard “He doesn’t have a job. Where is $25,000 coming from? PHCA. That’s where it’s coming from. He was trying to turn PHCA into a business for his own profit. And when you look at the records to a certain extent he succeeded. He was getting money from Visalus, he was doing cash withdrawals, he was giving his girlfriend money. That is what he wanted to do. He wanted to turn it into a for-profit business. And when he was met with objection, he went in to have Anita and Stephanie off the board. Because once they were off the board there was no problem. There was nobody in his way. He was taking as much as he wanted.”

This had to be Channa Beard at her worst. First, what objection to his fundraising was there? None. Stephanie joining Visalus in objection? Wow! Channa states that he was trying to turn it into a for-profit. Wasn’t the point of Visalus to earn money for Stephanie and Spencer’s paychecks? Jason was the only one to donate that was not getting it returned through a paycheck.

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