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Post 63 – Trial – Closing Arguments (part 3)

Final excerpts from closing arguments.

More from the prosecution proving Visalus was not created for just PHCA. It was 2011 of course. Anderson got that wrong. Fits his profile though.

Pg. 1054 Anderson “It talks about how he started this in 2010, that he and Kristie Koester were involved in it basically from 2010 on. This was something he was doing for himself because he wasn’t working and this was how he made his living. He was doing this Visalus, okay.”

Also interesting on how he verbally battered Kristie Koester about her memory from 7 years earlier but can’t remember stuff from 2 days prior to this statement.

Pg. 1055 Anderson “And the only three people involved in it, although the defendant was doing all of it, you heard the testimony of Spencer Moody and you also heard the testimony of Stephanie Serda.” Pg. 1058 Anderson “When you judge his credibility, where is the proof?”

This confused us. He also said the is to Kristie Koester. He told he to prove she paid for Visalus. She wasn’t even on trial.

I believe it is THEIR job to prove something was missing.

So a big lie he fed to the jury was that Kristie could be charged. First, no theft occurred, second, it was way beyond the limits. Remember, because of these made-up accusations, Kristie was thrown off the board. Pg. 1059 Anderson “And she could certainly be brought up on this, she was involved. She benefitted from it.” Interesting statement, Stephanie Serda received paychecks and was on the “fake” medical account. Kristie made deposits Jason gave her. Hmmmm.

Pg. 1063 More made-up testimony. First, the Toledo Community Foundation was not a part of PHCA in 1991. The rest is obvious. Anderson “You’ll have the foundation records too. That’s up there too. And you’ll see from 1991 to 2012. They never drew on that account. Never, never drew on that account.” Odd, Anita Serda testifies to doing it every year.

Another testimony by Anderson. Notice he even understands Jason’s intention with real estate by him being property management. Pg. 1065 Anderson “He even talked about building condos and apartments. That’s what Stephanie Serda told you. He wanted to do a for-profit property management thing where you’re going to buy the property and turn the whole thing around. This is clearly demonstrated when he talked about.” Kind of says it all. Does not really make any accusation or proof of theft. It actually seems to say Jason intended to build up the neighborhood. Seems kind of like the opposite of trying to ruin it and have it bulldozed.

Medical account Pg. 1066 Anderson “You had the whole medical clinic account. Money never went into there until this point in time. It was being hidden.” Records actually show money deposited the first month the account was open. And again, is he accusing Jason of hiding it or his witness Stephanie Serda who opened the account of opening it? The account was just opened.

This concludes the trial.

Please remember that Harold Jason Craig is still incarcerated at Richland Correctional in Mansfield, Ohio with two years remaining of his seven-year sentence. Please help us shine a light on this case and right this wrong. You can help by sharing this site or donating to the Ohio Innocence Project which is currently working on Jason’s case. If you are an attorney and would like to offer some legal help or are interested in representing Jason, please contact us.

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