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Post 29 – Trial – Corey Pratt (part 3)

Defense Attorney Smith then questioned the witness.

Pratt “I believe, a lot of the complaints that came in were anonymous complaints. So we actually didn’t have anybody to contact.” Smith “Do anonymous complaints ever raise flags with you?” Pratt “They can.” Smith “Okay, would it be fair to say that a healthy amount of complaints seem to surround Anita Serda being removed from the board?” Pratt “I believe that is true.” Pg. 415 Smith “Okay. And would it be fair to say Mr. Craig was, for lack of a better word, compliant with your interview requests?” Pratt “Compliant. He actively participated I can say. I can’t say he was compliant with what we requested, but he was actively participating in our interviews.” Smith “He didn’t say forget you, click, hang up the phone?” Pratt “No. Absolutely.” Smith “Did you meet resistance in interviews with anyone?” Pratt “Yes, with Jesse Spier.” Smith “Okay, so using that language.” Pratt “Well, let me — the attorney did. I didn’t necessarily. But during the examination under oath he was not very cooperative with the attorney.” Smith “And would it be fair to say Jason was far more cooperative?” Pratt “Yes.”

That is the message from Corey Pratt. To us, he obviously had a one-track mind. One thing we noticed in the full transcript is that while he tried to put suspicion on Jason, he never made an accusation of theft. So far in this trial, no one has accused Jason of theft and there is no discussion about the PHCA controlling Visalus. All Jason.

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