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Post 46 – Trial – Douglas Kinder (part 3)

In the October 2012 minutes, the Jaime Dance is scheduled for November 3rd. Charge – Incident #8 in the engaging: On or about Nov. 2, 2012, Harold Jason Craig in Wood County did with the purpose to deprive the owner, PHCA, withdrew $1,000 from the PHCA KeyBank account. Just for more clarification. Pg. 458 Ashley Clifton “Row 19, $1,000 was withdrawn by HJC on November 2nd, 2012. From KeyBank ending in 1847. We were missing detail. There’s missing detail from Koester’s Genoa account ending in 7801. The explanation was provided for change for Latino Dance.

Good thing you are verifying human mistakes, Kinder.

While we are mentioning incidents for engaging, Incident #9 on or about November 8, 2012, Harold Jason Craig, in Wood County, did with the purpose to deprive the owners, PHCA, withdrew $7,000 from the PHCA Keybank account. You may remember Ashley Clifton testifying to NOT asking HJC about this transaction. More info. Pg. 431 Ashley Clifton “And $7,000 was added to November 8, 2012.” The $7,000 was a deposit into an account. Pg. 708 Kinder “And it was right around that same time. I think it comes up in my presentation. Then $7,000 was deposited into PNC ending in 2266. [For the record, KeyBank is the 2266 account, not PNC] again which is the medical clinic account on 11/8 of 2012. And there was a withdrawal the same day. But it wasn’t for $7,000, it was for $5,000.” There are actually at least 4 more comments about this transaction but you get the point. Kinder verifies nothing.

Incident #11- on August 9, 2013 Harold Jason Craig, in Wood County, did with the purpose to deprive the owners, PHCA, withdrew $4,000 from PHCA KeyBank account. Are you ready for this? Pg. 817 Beard “The top image of exhibit 14-f, can you tell us what we are looking at here?” Kinder “Yes. This is an actual cash-in ticket for the calendar date of August 12th, 2013, account ending 7958. It was $4,000 in cash. I can tell you that is the same weekend that the festival was held. So that would have been a cash deposit coming in off the festival. Thats kind of some of those things of how I track different stuff.”

Beard “So those types of withdrawals and then deposits back in, would those have went into your account for the $238,000?” Kinder “No, they would not have, because I was able to verify where they come from.”

Kinder Lies. As we have shown you, these transactions WERE included in the $238,000 Jason is accused of stealing. We have provided the texts of the incidents that were charged as proof.

These are just a few examples that we gave you due to these being direct accusations against Jason. Believe us when we tell you that the records show tons more examples of Kinder contradicting his own testimony. In three simple examples, we have shown you $12,000 worth of verified expenses that this “ethical certified fraud examiner” missed. A lot more to come, especially as we break down this $238,000 number.

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