Please Sign Our Petition

Post 48 – Trial – Douglas Kinder (part 5)

Now we will discuss what we consider deep corruption. This is the testimony concerning requesting money from the Toledo Community Foundation and the procedure. Later, when Jason testifies you will see that Prosecutor Anderson leads Stephanie Serda to lie about evidence. This is where they had the actual minutes that were sent to the Toledo Community Foundation but decided to convince the jury that they were fake.

Pg. 762 Kinder “In November 2012 the PHCA board met and they made a decision that they were going to take funds, because of their financial difficulties. I got this from their meeting minutes and from interviews that I conducted with others, that they needed money to add to their account. So they decided to contact the TCF and request funds from their endowment. Per TCF protocol they sent a copy of the meeting minutes. Miss Serda signed a letter.

OK, we will bring your attention to a couple of things. First, do you recall the Serda family testifying to not even knowing we were low on money until a couple of months before May 2013? This was November. Also, the actual minutes say to purchase money-saving items or money-making investments. We ask you this Mr. Anderson and Kinder, if the minutes were fake, what minutes did Kinder read that said that they needed the money and where are those minutes? According to Anderson the minutes in court are fake. Is Kinder a liar or is there missing evidence? Or is Anderson the liar? It has to be one of them.

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