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Post 42 – Trial – Dr. Richard Paat

Trial Dr. Richard Paat is a saint. He is responsible for so much greatness. His testimony was short so we will just put a few inserts with comments.

Pg. 655 Prosecutor Channa Beard “Okay. Would there have been any need for the PHCA to have a bank account for the medical clinic?” Dr. Paat “No.”

The PHCA board meeting minutes show that he was not there when the board decided on that account and he left the PHCA less than two months later. He did not lie, he just did not know.

Beard “Did the free medical clinic ever receive a check in the amount of $34,000 from The Toledo Community Foundation?” Dr. Paat “No.” Beard “If it had what could it have done with that money?” Dr. Paat “We take care of 4,000 patients for $20,000. We could have seen 6,000 patients.” Beard “Could it have helped a lot more people?” Dr. Paat “A lot of people.”

This was a low blow by the State. Dr. Paat shed tears over this comment by the State. They knew this money was not for the clinic but they wanted to put on a show for the jury. Heartless.

Cross by defense attorney Smith. Pg. 659 Smith “Your time on the board, would Jason give financial updates to the board?” Dr. Paat Yes, that was his job as treasurer. Smith “Do you remember him physically giving those updates?” Dr. Paat “I believe that we probably did receive minutes, yes.”

The most honest man at this trial just impeached the lies told by the Serda family and pushed by prosecutors. It was a short testimony, but it provides so much as to the real goal of the State.

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