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Post 23 – Trial – Elisa Rodriguez (part 1)

This was an odd one. Elisa was not a part of the PHCA for any of the “theft” in question. It was clear that the State was desperate to find people to lie and testify against Jason. It is clear that since Jason caused her husband to leave the community center and her credit card fraud from the community city center, she had an ax to grind. It was interesting to later find out that she was previously convicted of stealing from a prior employer. Actually a lot was discovered about her use of PHCA money, especially when her, Anita, and Stephanie ran the organization. She ended up committing more perjury per volume of testimony than anyone else. We will help you keep up on a few with better descriptions.

Pg. 342 Anderson “Okay, did you ever hold multiple positions on the board at the same time?” Rodriguez “Yes, because in 2011 I was the treasurer. And then I was also nominated to be President because we did not have a President. And I was at that point training Raquel Serda (Anita’s daughter-in-law) to become treasurer. So I was walking her through the process of what I would do as treasurer.” Anderson “And you left the organization in 2012?” Rodriguez “Yes, shortly after the start of the year, I believe.” Anderson “Under some bad circumstances?” Rodriguez “I would guess so. There was a time I think it was, I was in school. They had asked me about a charge that I had made on a credit card. And I had accidentally made a charge. But I did not realize that until after the fact that the statements came in.” Anderson “Because of that you resigned?” Rodriguez “Yeah, I guess I resigned. I didn’t officially resign. I just never showed up again.”

Here are the incorrect statements in the first four minutes of her testimony.

  1. She resigned in September due to her husband being fired, the CC transaction was not discovered until October or November.
  2. The credit card bill was being sent to her house and the charges were over a year old because the SAM’s card was in collections.
  3. This is her first reason for quitting. Later you will see she blames it on Jason. Interesting fact- after the AG office asked for records, Jason went through three years and found out that the SAM’s club card had only one other authorized user who had made a prior purchase – Anita Serda.

With that said Anita’s purchases seemed to be for the PHCA but the denial of knowing it even existed is a theme with this family. Pg. 344 Anderson “And who replaced you as treasurer?” Rodriquez “Raquel Serda.” We find it important to establish how often she states Raquel was her replacement. It changes shortly with the opportunity to lie again. Pg. 347 Anderson “I know you left rather quickly but did you then pass over your information to the next treasurer?” Rodriguez “Yes, I was told to give everything to Jason.” Anderson “Okay, when was that?” Rodriguez “2012.” Do you see the discrepancy? What happened to Raquel Serda?

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