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Post 52 – Trial – Harold Jason Craig (part 1)

Jason spoke at length about how he felt that Channa Beard at times seemed to want to be argumentative during questioning. He felt as if she was going with the information she was provided. He respects her for not being one of the liars; therefore, we have decided to keep his testimony short with minimal judgment of Ms. Beard’s performance.

We begin with defense attorney Smith. Pg. 868 Smith “…When did you start being — when did you join the board?” Craig “I joined the board in 2012, March, April, May of 2012.” Smith “How did that come about?” Craig “I had been going there for years. I mean, I have kind of a passion for education of children. So I would go up there and study with the kids, entertain the kids.” Pg. 869 Smith “Based on your experience on the board at that time what could you tell us about the financial situation of the organization?” Craig “Okay. Technically when I first came on it wasn’t bad. But there was no income coming in. There’s a lot of expenditures, especially with the salary. I remember — Spencer was not there — but there was a couple employees and the Stephanie Serda’s salary was pretty expensive. At the time we paid Rosendo Rodriguez was the landscaper and the janitor. So that was a significant weekly cost. Expenses were pretty high at the time.” Pg. 872 Smith “Tell me, kind of give the jury kind of the nuts and bolts of how Visalus worked with regards to the PHCA.” Craig “Okay.”

Smith “Let me first ask you. How many people were involved with the sale of the product?” Craig “Like total or after I came to the Heights?” Smith “With regards to fundraising for the organization.” Craig “Three.” Smith “Who are those people?” Craig “Myself, Stephanie Serda, Spencer Moody.” Pg. 874 Smith “And was the product always sold on eBay?” Craig “Yes. Oh. Me personally I sold to other customers before I went to the community center. Pg. 875 Smith “Let’s talk some money.” Craig “Okay.” Smith “How is the Perrysburg Heights — how is the association involved financially? Why would they give you money, what money?” Craig “In all reality besides the initial purchase which was not even a Perrysburg Heights — I don’t think maybe the initial payment was. It just rolls over. It literally rolls over. So we would but $5,000 in product, sell it literally in a day or two, money would come into PayPal, they pay. Then we use that to buy more product. We just kept rolling it and rolling it. It grew pretty quickly.”

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