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Post 55 – Trial – Harold Jason Craig (part 4)

Pg. 886 Smith “Let’s talk about Genoa Bank.” Craig “Okay.” Smith “Let’s address the elephant in the room. Would you have made deposits in that account?’”Craig “It’s funny because I never remember her making many deposits at all. I was our financial guy at home. I paid everything, I went to the bank. She worked. If I was lazy, which I was at the time, I was a big boy, hey, can you put this in the bank or whatever, yes.” Smith “Were cash deposits made?” Craig “Oh yeah.” Pg. 893 Smith “Can you explain what those unaccounted funds are for?” Craig “I’m assuming, without looking at the details of what they’re calling unaccounted funds, there talking maybe cash withdrawals that were put into cashier’s checks, deposited. I mean, I’m just assuming it’s the withdrawals. They don’t understand why it was used — to do what it was used for.”

Concerning the AG investigation. Pg. 905 Smith “Okay. Do you feel personally you were compliant with their request?” Craig “Absolutely.” Smith “Okay. Did you ever intentionally not provide them any documents?” Craig “No. Matter of fact. I was kind of shocked because I’m some of the questions that prosecutor — well, during the prosecution examination, Miss Clifton didn’t have records that, I mean, she didn’t know of records we had sent her which was the original discovery. For instance, may I give an example?” Smith “Sure.” Craig “When, when we were discussing the Raquel Serda transactions that they never questioned. I literally had already answered them to the Attorney General’s office. It was one of my responses of where that made went.” Smith “How did you become treasurer?” Craig They begged me to become treasurer.” Smith “Who is they?” Craig “The whole board.”

For the record, Jason forwarded the unverified withdrawals from Raquel Serda to the AG. He never claimed it to be missing. He defended her, but they lost the records.

Pg. 911 Smith “Do you wish at all, as treasurer, you had handled the cash differently?” Craig “It’s just how it was. It depends on what situation you’re talking about. Festival-wise, I did. With Visalus, knowing what this ended up turning into, absolutely. Actually knowing what it turned into I never would have introduced the opportunity.” Pg. 912 Smith “Were you ever approached that you were doing anything improper with the money by a board member?” Craig “Never….” Pg. 914 Smith “Okay. Are there any transactions that were discussed in your earlier testimony that you feel you need to talk about right now that we haven’t already talked about?” Craig “Am I allowed an opinion I this?” Smith “Yeah.” Craig “I believe that a lot of the conversation would be cleared up if they actually read through the 4000 pages of discovery that come down from the State. So many of the conversations end. So many of the comments and accusations, I thought it was this, I assumed it was that, are answered if they would have just read their own evidence.” Smith “Is that vastly reflected in the minutes?” Craig “Absolutely.”

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