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Post 56 – Trial – Harold Jason Craig (part 5)

Harold Jason Craig being interviewed by Channa Beard. We are going to avoid repeats of four days of trials so we will keep it short.

Pg. 928 Beard “And you stated that the profit margins for Visalus was very low.” Craig “On eBay, yes.” Beard “Would that be because you were selling globally with free shipping?” Craig “We weren’t selling with free shipping. I don’t know where that came from.” Beard “I’m Sorry?” Craig “We weren’t selling with free shipping. I don’t know where that came from.” Beard “So if eBay records indicate free shipping, that would be incorrect?” Craig “We didn’t charge the customer. Yes, we paid for shipping. Actually that would would reflect I’m the Paypal records because we paid with PayPal printouts through PayPal.” Beard “So I just want to make sure we’re clear.” Craig “Yes.” Beard “You just stated you were not giving free shipping.” Craig “No. We were not getting it by the postal service. No we were not. We offered it to the customers.”

So, this is why we are choosing not to put a lot of the volley back and forth between Channa Beard and Jason. She tried this technique on every question so much that Jason almost lost his cool.

Pg. 947 Beard “I am asking if it was approved for that money to go to C-Dude.” Craig “Absolutely, no, no, no, no, no, no. Your question, if it goes to C-Dude, no. The answer is to invest in real estate. I’ve said that multiple times. You keep trying to get me to change. That’s not happening.”

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