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Post 34 – Trial – Kristie Koester (part 1)

Kristie Koester is the mother of Jason’s girls Brooklyn and Taylor. Jason and Kristie were a couple from 1997 until 2016. They raised two wonderful girls together. While they no longer have any friendship, they are proud grandparents to two little turds who are the daughters of Brooklyn.

Kristie was inappropriately disrespected by Prosecutor Anderson during this trial. She was bullied by him and called a criminal. The words you will read do not portray the tone that Mr. Anderson used with Kristie. It was disgusting. Kristie Koester was a hard-working mother who was a great partner in raising well-educated girls. She had a heart for others. She always did the right thing even if it required her to have an inner conflict and even go against herself. Jason and Kristie were a perfect partnership until 2013 when the Serda family began this war against the PHCA. Kristie remained the same dedicated person, but Jason started breaking and never let anyone know. He changed. Jason moved to Lakewood in 2016 to start over. Kristie stayed true to herself. As far as the PHCA is concerned, She joined in April of 2013 and literally would spend 50 hours plus working to keep it open. She was by far the real backbone of the new center and Jason got the credit. Even after Jason left, Kristie continued only to be thrown off the board for no other cause than the corrupt people you are hearing about and some cowardly board members. Jason wishes things could be different. He will always be her fan.

Kristie Koester was harassed by Mr. Anderson for six hours. Nearly five of those hours were individual questions about individual transactions from five to eight years prior to the trial. For some reason, Anderson could not get through his head that Jason could fill out a deposit slip and make a deposit into Kristie’s account. He also could not figure out the concept of her signing checks and Jason filling them out. It is almost funny that later Anderson says Jason calls her a liar when he literally testifies to the same thing she did. He was in charge of paying the bills. Simple, right? Not after five hours with Anderson. Also, observe how she testifies to the amount of money they made. Five rental properties, $30,000 in income in Visalus in one year. $2,000 a month in dog grooming income, and Jason’s lawn care and side jobs. It really adds up to over $100,000 in 2012 yet the prosecution pretends it’s pennies and they are poor because he does not get paid in a regular paycheck. They use this as their reason Jason had the motivation to steal $238,000. It was a sad sight to watch him berate Kristie and see how he made her break down. You will see that the defense understood and corrected the State’s abusive questioning. But again, the State lies later about what was actually said.

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