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Post 35 – Trial – Kristie Koester (part 2)

Pg. 520 Anderson “You were the one who then paid the bills. You had a checking account?” Koester “I had a checking account. But him being the home parent, he would do all our bills.” Anderson “So you had a division of duties in your relationship with Mr. Craig. He would do the finance?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “Did you have any involvement in your finances?” Koester “No.” Pg. 523 Anderson “And why did you leave the board?” Koester “I was asked to leave the board because they said the State Attorney General’s office made a decision with them that if I left the board, everything was closed on the case.”

Who lied here? Was it the board or the AG?

Pg. 531 Anderson “In 2012, 2013, to 2014 how many rental properties did you have?” Koester “Five.” Anderson “Five?” Koester “Uh-huh.” Pg. 533 Anderson “All the properties were talking about were I’m your name?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “Is that correct? Some of them did you purchase with your inheritance from when your parents passed away?” Koester “I received inheritance from my grandmother that passed away and my grandparents that passed away.” Anderson “And you used some of that money to buy real estate?” Koester “Yes.”

The following is an example of Anderson belittling Kristie on a seven-year-old transaction, Jason made the deposit. We all know that is a serious crime to make a deposit into your spouse’s account. Pg. 540 Anderson “Initially there was a deposit made of $700 on August 7th. Do you see that, Top left?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “It says Kristie Koestler there. Did you fill out that form?” Koester “No.” Anderson “No. Do you know who filled out the form?” Koester “Harold.” Anderson “Somebody just did that willy nilly?” Koester “I mean, it’s a deposit. He was able to go to the bank and put in deposits.” Anderson continued to hound Kristie about Jason making deposits into her account. Pg. 547 Anderson “And this is a checking deposit of $1,200 that’s reflected in the check that’s there.” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “And who is the check from?” Koester “Harold Craig.” Anderson “You just indicated he did not have an account.” Koester “He didn’t?”

This seemed to be a concept that the prosecution and their team never attempted to understand. When Jason would withdraw cash from the PHCA, he had it put into cashier’s checks so he had a record of the cash for purchases. This happened for Visalus, purchases of lawn equipment, and the real estate investment. Why? Well during the high sales of Visalus, it was important for the funds to be available in the accounts to purchase more. So, as most everyone knows, cashier’s checks would be made available upon the deposit of them. Why were the cashier’s checks in Jason’s personal name? Policy for KeyBank, we assume. PHCA was not a person. When Jason would withdraw cash, he, the person would buy the cashier’s check. The bank would require his ID and type it on the check. Somehow this eluded the State in their investigation.

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