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Post 36 – Trial – Kristie Koester (part 3)

5 hours basically about these same types of transactions. Even transactions that were years after the alleged theft. More harassment! Pg. 554 Anderson “Then below there’s a deposit. Actually, it’s for December 3, 2012. It is for $4,000. It’s a checking withdrawal. Excuse. Me. Do you recall that?” Koester “I mean no. I mean it’s been so long ago. I don’t know what all these transactions from that long ago were for.” Anderson “That’s your signature though?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “And the record would indicate that you took out from your checking account $4,000 on December 3rd.” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “Do you recall what you did with that?” Koester “No.” Anderson “Do you recall how you got the $4,000, was it in cash or money order?” Koester “I don’t.” Anderson “But you took $4,000 out on that date?” Koester “Yes.” Wow! More to come. Pg. 557 Anderson “Did you actually sell any of the Visalus online?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “You would go on eBay and sell it?” Koester “No, I didn’t personally sell it.” Anderson “Who sold it online? “ Koester “The community center.” Anderson “The community city center did?” Koester “Uh-huh.” Anderson “Well the community center isn’t an individual. It really can’t go online. Do you remember who the person was who sold it online?” Koester “Oh, Harold did the eBay auctions, but it was the community center’s account.” Anderson “This is all being done for the benefit of the community center, correct?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “That was your understanding?” Anderson “All of the money or all of the profits from Visalus were supposed to go to the community center?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “That was your understanding?” Koester Well, I mean, I sold it before we — I sold it before it was an actual fundraiser for the community center. And then after it went to that we were strictly doing it online for the community center.”

Odd moment in the appeal post-conviction appeal. Judge Reger states in his opinion that Kristie’s statement above proves that Visalus was sold for the sole benefit of PHCA (pg 13-14). The quote he uses is literally the opposite of his judgment.

Pg. 564 Anderson “And you know that Spencer was involved in Visalus, is that correct?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “And how long did he work or volunteer at the community center?” Koester “He was a paid employee.” Anderson “He was a paid employee for how long?” Koester “He was there a couple of years.” Anderson “Okay, it says commission on it, is that correct?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “So that would have been part of his commission check, you’re thinking?” Koester “From Visalus, yes.” Anderson “But he paid it to you?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “Can you explain that to the jury, why would he be paying you his commission?” Koester “The only reason I would know he would pay me is so we could buy more product of the Visalus?”

It seems like this concept is simple. People gave their commission to Jason and Kristie so they could buy more product to earn more money. Later the State verifies this.

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