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Post 37 – Trial – Kristie Koester (part 4)

More harassment. Pg. 570 Anderson “Ms. Koester, I’m going to pause for a second. We’ve talked about a lot of cash deposits, correct?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “Literally thousands of dollars, okay. You’re indicating you didn’t know where that came from.” Koester “I mean, I don’t recall these transactions since it’s been so far back, no.” Anderson “Did it come from the defendant?” Koester “I cannot answer that.” Anderson “Pardon.” Koester “I cannot answer that.” Anderson “What do you mean you cannot answer?” Koester “I don’t recall where all these came from, no, I do not.”

The amazing thing about this harassment is that Anderson knows that around $200,000 was spent on Visalus on a revolving basis. This all being in about 20 weeks meaning $10,000 a week. Even worse is he throws off the jury about transactions that occurred way after the accused thefts. Remember before about Elisa Rodriguez borrowing money? Pg. 577 Anderson “There’s a check in here, 289, dated October 22nd. Again I’m a little confused because it’s to Rosendo and Elisa Rodriguez, who were both board members?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “But is written in cursive, which you don’t do. Do you write everything in black print except for your signature?” Koester “Correct.” Anderson “So who wrote that?” Koester “Harold.” Anderson “The defendant?” Koester “Correct.” Anderson “And that was for $550 for a loan?” Koester “Correct.” Anderson “The two of them loaned you money?” Koester No, we loaned them money.”

The following is another harassing example of a 2014 transaction; well after the accused thefts of April 2013. Pg. 586 Anderson “So you’re saying that based upon these records on March 26th, 2014, at 2:26pm you went to teller number four at the Crossroads Genoa Bank and gave them $6,000 in cash, correct?” Koester “Yes.” Anderson “Where did you get the $6,000 from?” Koester “I don’t recall.” Anderson “Did you get it from the defendant?” Koester “Like I said I don’t recall these transactions.” Anderson “My question is did you get it from the defendant?” Koester “I can’t remember that because I don’t remember.” Anderson “How many times did he give you cash?” Koester “I don’t know.” Anderson “Ballpark figure, hundreds of times?” Koester “How can you answer that?” Anderson “You don’t recall somone giving you $6,000 in cash?” Koester “No.”

Anderson asks these same questions for hours with the same harassing tone and Kristie continues to explain Jason deals with the finances, Visalus, real estate, all of it.

Pg. 609 Anderson “And it indicates there was cash in on that particular transaction down there, which I believe the transaction processing date is listed as January 30th, 2015. Do you remember that?” Koester “No.”

This was two years after the alleged theft dates. The effort to switch normal life with theft in the eyes of the jury by confusing them was a slimy move. Koester did not know that she did not have to answer. The defense should have objected saving hours of this abuse.

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