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Post 43 – Trial – Phyllis Haas

Phyllis Haas was a deputy at the Wood County Sheriff’s office who spent years taking phone calls from Jason about real estate in the Heights. She processed the Sheriff’s sales and was always kind. Her father was Jason’s neighbor when he lived in the Heights. Prosecutors mainly used her to verify all the property Jason and Kristie purchased from 2010 to 2015. Just a few add-ons from this witness.

Pg. 678 Anderson “Do you recognize that document?” Haas “Yes.” Anderson “What is it?” Haas “It’s a Sheriff’s deed from a different sale of the sale property.” Anderson “When did the sale occur?” Haas “I’m not seeing the actual sale date. The order was issued on July 5th, 2016.” Anderson “Okay. That was the order by the court?” Haas “Yes, to sell the property.” Anderson “And after that then you had to wait thirty days and do the advertising, things along those lines?” Haas “Correct.” Anderson “And was that a mortgage of tax foreclosure?” Haas “I believe it was a — the see. That would be a foreclosure.” Anderson “Tax foreclosure?” Haas “No. This one was an actual foreclosure. It looks like D&W Development.”

The same D&W development that township administrator Walter Celley owns. Also, we are sure, coincidentally, Walter Celley and his partner Dawn Sanderson filed this foreclosure right before the AG’s office went to the prosecutors. The timing seems suspicious. Would Celley know that these properties would be taken if Jason was found guilty? At Walt’s insistence to the AG?

Cross by defense attorney Smith. Pg. 679 Smith “To the best of your knowledge, of you know, was Jason involved with purchasing or going to Sheriff’s sales before 2012?” Haas “I don’t recall the actual sale, no. But I know we had sold some to him before that. I believe, yes. I don’t what year it started though.” Smith “So he would purchase things over a few years?” Haas “Yes.”

Questions by the jury. Judge “Deputy, I have a question for you. I’m going to ask it as it is written. I’ll let…could you follow up.” Haas “Okay.” Judge “Would Kristie Koester have been required to sign any documents with the Sheriff’s office prior to her receiving a deed in her name?” Haas “No, she would have not.”

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