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Post 26 – Trial – Spencer Moody (part 2)

Pg. 369 Beard “And so did you work closely with Jason or how often would you work with him or interact with him?” Moody “Sure, I mean, Jason was at the center just about every day. He came to hang out, talk with the kids, help with homework and stuff like that. Then as far as fundraising, he was a big proponent for the golf tournament. He helped me. I knew nothing about golf. So we kind of work together on that. Outside of that, I mean, that was the only thing we worked together on the most. Visalus, I don’t remember a whole lot of that.” Beard “Who was it that was kind of running the Visalus then?” Moody “As far as I remember it was Jason.” Beard “In regards to Visalus, do you recall when that started?” Moody “I want to say it was around January or February of 13. I have a tax document for 2013; but that’s all I remember.”

So, remember again that Jason was charged for every single profit, reimbursement, and commission as theft since he and Kristie joined in 2011. Even the judgement by Judge Reger states that in a post-conviction appeal. Of course, no one other than prosecutors ever states that in trial. Corrupt? Definitely.

Defense attorney Smith Pg. 370 Smith “Can you tell us a little bit more about the golf outing?” Moody “Sure, we started planning it in early January, I believe. It was in winter of 13′ 14′. Sorry 12′ 13′. That was a fundraiser to bring more money into the center. We had brought somebody in. I can’t remember his name, like I said earlier, to help us bring in sponsors and to get some bigger ones for us. We got struck out there for the golf outing. And I think we had ten like foursomes that can out for it in total.” Smith “Do you remember whether or not the individual you guys brought in, was he paid or not?” Moody “Yes.” Smith “He was paid?” Moody “Yeah.” Smith “What was his Job?” Moody “To help find sponsors.” Smith “Do you know off the top of your head how much he was paid, ballpark?” Moody “I have no idea.” Smith “And how involved was Jason?” Moody “Toward the end he was very involved because we had like a couple of foursomes come into our tournament. So he was going out and finding foursomes. I think he even paid for a couple of those to join the golf outing.” Smith “So he was helpful in securing people to participate?” Moody “Sure.”

Regarding Visalus, as with Stephanie Serda’s testimony, it seems clear that they were individually recruited by Jason under the understanding that they could earn money for the center. These are the three involved in Visalus but as you will see in the evidence there are eight other people that the State and the courts somehow say were required to donate their money. This is despite almost all of them writing in affidavits to the court that they did not agree to donate anything. The sole reason that the prosecutor made this lie up is because these other sellers also deposited checks with Kristie Koester for Visalus. This also so Jason could buy more product. Simply business reinvestment. Eleven people and the PHCA made money off of Jason’s efforts.

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