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Post 18 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (part 2)

Anderson “What were your conversations with Mr. Craig about real estate?” Serda “……He had another idea that the association could buy properties and put apartment complexes in the neighborhood and kind of make money off of that too.” Pg. 299 Anderson “The second one that he talked about was having the Heights Association invest in real estate?” Serda “Right.” Anderson “Did you indicate to him your views on that?” Serda “Just that I wasn’t sure if we were allowed to as a nonprofit organization. I didn’t know what the rules would be if, again, if that was something that would be allowed.” Pg. 300 Anderson “And was Jason doing other types of fundraising things as treasurer?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “What type of things was he doing?” Serda “He came up with the idea of putting a vending machine in the gym. So we bought a vending machine.” One interesting thing about this testimony is that the vending machine was paid for out of the medical clinic account. The very same medical clinic account that no one knew existed.

Serda “And I remember him explaining a product called Visalus. Basically it was like a health shake or something. And he told, you know, myself and then another worker, you know, if we could sign up and be part of the program, you know, we would set it up so it was set up personally, like through me, and then through my coworker. And then we could turn it around so that we would donate the proceeds to the community center.” Notice in this testimony that there was no mention of it being a PHCA-sponsored thing. Serda even said it was personal and the proceeds could be donated.

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