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Post 19 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (part 3)


Testimony turns to the topic of Visalus. Pg. 303 Anderson “Obviously there was some upfront payment to purchase the product from Visalus?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “How was that done?” Serda “I did not pay anything. If I recall correctly, Jason kind of set up everything and then paid himself back, you know when the things would come I’m. So if he put something up front. And then he would recover after there was a profit before donating actual proceeds to the center.” This is a huge point in this trial nearly $200,000 of the theft accusation is about Visalus. Stephanie was the first person who testified that the Visalus was bought by Jason and he would be reimbursed before profits were donated. The Wood County prosecutors had the records of Jason, Kristie, and Dawid along with a few others buying all the Visalus product. There will be more testimony on this. However, they charged him with stealing these reimbursements. The Wood County investigator Douglas Kinder lied about not being able to track the money. The bank records show the purchase of Visalus. The Visalus records show where the purchases came from. Later when we show you testimony from the investigator, he even testifies to Kristie paying for the Visalus out of her account and the states he cannot track the money in the same breath. After the trial, Jason’s attorney refused to give him the full discovery for his appeal and the trial court Judge refused to correct this when Jason requested the discovery from the courts. It gets worse.

Jason was also accused of stealing and forging a commission check from Stephanie. Pay close attention to her testimony. Watch how she admits that the check was sent to her house but once again, had never seen it before. Also, pay attention to how the prosecution clearly led her testimony in private meetings. Pg. 306 Anderson “Had you seen that check before?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “Where did you see it before?” Serda “In our meetings, we looked at the specific check.” Pg 307 Anderson “I see your signature, is that correct, at the top?” Serda “It’s my name written in cursive, but its not my signature.” Anderson “That’s a forgery?” Serda “Correct.” Same page. Anderson “But you were not aware of this check before our conversation in my office?” Serda “The funny part is my address is on the check. So I’m just not sure how my signature or my name — I don’t know — I mean it’s not my signature. And I’m not sure how that would have occurred if it was mailed to me.” Testimony is not really good but the prosecutor later changes it to be “for sure” forgery. Now, if they would have asked Jason that question, there was an answer. Both Spencer and Stephanie’s checks were signed over to Kristie to purchase more product. Only one of Stephanie’s checks (the last one) was signed over to the PHCA. That specific check was left for Jason and Kristie to deposit and Stephanie forgot to sign it and gave permission for another girl to sign it. Stephanie had seen it and brought it. The prosecution hated the truth.

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