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Post 20 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (part 4)

Pg. 315 Anderson “After the vote asking your mother to leave the board, what did your mother do?” Serda “She resigned.” Anderson “And what did you do?” Serda “I also resigned.” Testimony is not true. Anita clearly was removed by the board for her behavior. Resigning really was not an option at that point. Stephanie resigned weeks later after a failed attempt to force the remaining board members to sign an NDA.

Pg. 317 Anderson “How many times, when you were president of the association, did the board make a request of the endowment fund?” Serda “To my memory, only once.” Anderson “Do you recall when that was?” Serda “Late 2012.” Anderson “Would it have required board approval?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “And do you recall how that occurred I’m that particular case?” Serda “You mean did we vote for it?” Anderson “Correct.” Serda “Yes.” Same page. Anderson “How would the request of the Greater Toledo Community Foundation be made?” Serda We would send them a letter.” Anderson “Could you do it by phone?” Serda “No.” Anderson “Why?” Serda “They would have to have documentation of our request.”

So, later in the trial, Stephanie will be recalled and the prosecution will bait her to say that Jason changed a set of minutes to defend a real estate investment. The minutes that the prosecution had Stephanie lie about is the exact same documentation that she, Stephanie, in her role as President sent to TCF but this is more information that the prosecution kept out and the incompetent defense did also.

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