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Post 21 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (part 5)

Defense Attorney Smith Pg. 322 Smith “Okay, let me ask you this. If numbers and financial information appear in minutes, fair to say that that was presented to the board at those meetings?” Serda “Yes, But in the minutes it would reflect just base numbers. So, again, no details.” Smith “OK. But you were certainly told money in, money out?” Serda “Yes.”

This testimony is in direct conflict with what her mother said before. That they did not see the numbers so the did not know how low they were on money.

Pg. 325 Smith “Okay, most of Visalus was sold on eBay?” Serda “Yes.” Smith “Was that through the nonprofit part of eBay?” Serda “I am not familiar with it. Jason was in charge of that.” Smith “Do you know off the top of your head or from your time there how much, like, per bag the center would make?” Serda “I don’t remember.” Smith “But it certainly made money?” Serda Right.”

She knows it makes money, but $200,000 is missing?

Smith “And you talked about some other, didn’t go into great detail, but can you give some examples of some other fundraisers that Jason brought to the table?” Serda “We had vending machines, like I mentioned, the gas cards. There were like online things he did. So I’m not real sure, like, something with PlayStation and, like, dog food or something.” Smith “Okay.” Serda “But then again he kind of came up with these ideas. I was like, great, and had him run with that.

If you recall, the theft was based on not having consent.

Who better to give consent than the President of the board and the Executive Director? Remember she also testified to it all making money but somehow the prosecution turned it into a theft. We will explain that corruption later. Remember also that no one at the community center or even the Serda family ever used the word theft in testimony. In the whole trial, not one witness outside of the actual prosecutors accuses Jason of theft.

Pg. 326 Smith “To the best of your knowledge did they tend to all make money for the association?” Serda “Yes.” Smith “OK and you stated that you generally would sign your check over to the association?” Serda “Yes.” Smith “Was there any requirement that you do so or was that something you chose to do?” Serda “Well, that was the point of the program, that PHCA would get, I mean I wasn’t doing any of the work or anything so it was…” Smith “You signed your name and magically checks appeared?” Serda “Basically, yeah.” Pg. 327 Smith “Okay, and with, aside from Jason’s fundraising efforts, what were other things that were discussed as ways to make money for the center?” Serda “Like I mentioned before, he said, you know, maybe we could buy up property in the neighborhood and put apartment buildings or something where it was like real estate type of thing for the association.” Smith “Okay, and of you don’t know that’s fine. Without Jason fundraising, things that he brought to the table, what would have happened to the PHCA?”

Serda “It’s a question I ask all the time. What would happen if Jason was not involved? Would I still be there? You know, we could find other ways to have the community center still go on, you know fundraisers, you find a way.” Does this sound like a woman who felt that the PHCA was ruined by Jason? For this being a prosecution witness, besides a few lies that are easy to prove as such, Stephanie Serda seems to verify everything Jason says in his later testimony. Being an adversary, she seems to praise him a lot. As Jason has always said, it seems as if she did it for her mother or was coached by the prosecution.

Smith “And you made a comment about the nonprofit thing. Would it be fair to say that Jason served to try to run it more like a business?” Serda “Yes.” An organization that was run like a business. What a concept. Pg. 331 Smith “Okay. So giving a check addressed to you to Jason was certainly not uncommon, a commission check?” Serda “For Visalus?” Smith “Yes.” Serda “Correct.” Once again observe how the prosecution changes reality. Redirect by prosecution Anderson “And Mr. Craig became the treasurer in 2012?” Serda “Right.” Anderson “And it had been solvent for the twenty-one years before that?” Serda “Correct.” Anderson “And in less than a year under his control it had gone bankrupt?” Serda “Correct.”

Does this sound like bankruptcy? Upon the removal of the Serda family and the PHCA being run by volunteers, the center had a $30,000 budget and $400,000 in funds. Interesting that Anderson thinks Jason controlled it.

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