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Post 58 – Trial – Stephanie Serda (recall p1)

Trial Redirect of Stephanie Serda. The prosecution decided that Jason defended himself too well. They call in Stephanie to contradict the facts Jason showed at trial by lying about meeting minutes. One thing to remember is that the October meeting minutes had two sets. One was a copy of the September minutes that were labeled October. To any sane person, it is clear that the secretary (Chico Martinez) made a mistake and corrected it. Watch this testimony. The prosecution has Stephanie Serda testify that the October minutes that Jason proved verified the investment in real estate, was the fake version of October because the format was different. So you will see how she talks about January and March minutes being a certain way. Then in July, they are different. Coincidentally we got a new secretary in July. That could not possibly be why things changed. It had to be Jason recreating minutes. Then in her new testimony about the 2 sets of minutes, Stephanie discusses how one is the repeat of September. Obviously, that is not the correct October minutes. However, the prosecution has her read from the real October minutes as proof of a request. This set of minutes that she reads from for the prosecution is the same set of minutes Jason read from. She just did not turn the page and read the vote. This all could have simply been proved by the Defense of prosecution looking at the records from TCF that the State had. But that would have shown Jason’s innocence.

Prosecutor Anderson “Did you find anything unusual about those board meetings when you went through them last night?” Serda “I did. There was a few things that I noticed. In January, 2012, we had an old format of recording the minutes. And then we changed the format. And when you look at March, 2012, that is the correct format that we used moving forward. There is a border around the parts of the body of the minutes. And, you know, at the top you can see who is present, who is absent or excused. In July of 2012, September, 2012, and October, 2012, there are versions of minutes in this binder that are not consistent with the regular format that we were supposed to use or we normally used. Also, there’s two versions of October 2012 I’m the binder. One of them I confirmed last night are the original ones. And it looks like it’s supposed to, with the border around it. And the second version is different content and does not have the border.” Anderson “So there’s two monthly meeting minutes for October 2012?” Serda “Correct. Also, the minutes from September 2012 and the second version of the October 2012 minutes, looked like they were copied and pasted, so there content is still the same. September 2012 and October 2012, the second version. So there’s something inaccurate there.” Anderson “It contains almost the same information.” Serda “Yeah. I looked at the first couple pages. It’s verbatim word for word the exact same thing.”

Here are the correct official minutes for Sep 2012 and Oct 2012.

More to come in the next post.

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