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Post 28 – Trial – Corey Pratt (part 2)

Pratt is the 4th person who testifies that Jason was selling Visalus. Still no testimony about it being a board-authorized or controlled issue. A private individual making donations by selling a product.

Pg. 401 Pratt “There was a lot of things that were very odd regarding the organization in general. You had somebody that was operating the organization as the president of the organization who was also making a profit from the organization because he was operating a sports club from the facility.” Beard “I just want to jump in. You were referencing the President. The jury has heard about a couple of different Presidents. Which President are you specifically referring to.” Pratt “This would have been Jesse Spier. Jesse was actually asked to come on the board. He was renting the facility, and operating a sports club out of the facility. So he was actually a renter. I believe that it was Ms. Serda who presented him to the board and said we want you to come on board, and he did.”

Nowhere did Corey Pratt testify about using the PHCA and eBay to earn money from an employee, the President (Stephanie), Jason, and 7 to 8 other unknowing sellers of Visalus to pay Stephanie’s salary. Nowhere was it odd that Anita’s son’s dance troop got free rent and got paid for dancing. Nowhere was it odd to Corey Pratt or the prosecutor that Anita Serda was paid $4,500 to plan a festival. Finally, Pratt nor the State found it odd that Elisa’s (board member) husband got paid for two jobs at the PHCA. Odd.

Pg. 404 Pratt “We did not prosecute criminal cases. We would reach out to the counties. In this case, we would reach out to Wood County to say, hey, we’ve got something here you might want to take a look at. This is what we’ve discovered. Do you want to take a look at this? And in this case, we did make a presentation or a recommendation to the prosecuting attorney to take a look at this. This is what I would deem to be kind of a political case.”

A political case with Perrysburg Township that was controlled by Walter Celley, former divorce attorney to Anita Serda, owner of D&W development which is the company that foreclosed on Kristie and Jason’s home plus took two additional houses from them due to a late payment. Not an unpaid payment, a late one. This is the politician who pushed the political case on behalf of the township. Interesting! As you will see in later testimony, the very homes that Walter Celley and his partner Dawn Sanderson, as co-owners of D&W, took from Jason and Kristie are the homes that the State of Ohio says that they purchased with stolen money from the PHCA; thus protecting their friends in politics. Corruption? Definitely.

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