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Post 8 – Trial – Anita Serda (part 1)

Former PHCA board member, founder, and mother to Stephanie Serda. Discussion about Dr. Richard Paat’s medical clinic at the PHCA. Prosecutor Christopher Anderson Pg. 223 Anderson “And Perrysburg Heights Community Association never charged him rent?” Serda “No. Towards the very end before he moved to a new location there were board members at that time that found it conflicting. They felt that because he was a separate organization, he should be charged. Yet he was not only providing a free medical clinic for people in the community, there were young girls that had never played organized sports that he was mentor to; they learned new skills. They took a trip annually to the National tournaments in California. So they were gaining more opportunities that you can’t put a price on. And it was decided that they wanted that organization to start paying rent being in the facility. So unfortunately he had to move to a new location.”

Historically, Jason has been impressed with Anita Serda and her ability to walk a fine line between the truth and a lie. In this piece of testimony, the truth is that Jason, Anita, and Stephanie were the only 3 board members to originally discuss charging Dr. Paat’s clinic and volleyball team. The discussion began with the financial audit completed by Jason and with Dr. Paat using the facility 4 days a week, 2 for the clinic, and 2 for volleyball. It took a potential of nearly $500 of rental income. No one else was part of that idea. The idea was on the agenda BEFORE Jason was even on the board.

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