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Post 10 – Trial – Anita Serda (part 3)

Pg. 230 Anderson “At some point you resigned?” Serda “Yes.”

Future testimony will show she was removed by the board. There are a few reality lines that Ms. Serda crossed at trial to play the innocence card.

Anderson “Your daughter was still program manager at that time?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “And she was paid a salary?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “And there was some issues about her getting paid?” Serda “Yes.” Anderson “And what was that about?” Serda “Again not having full disclosure to treasurer reports, it was just being shared that we did not have the funding coming in on a regular basis for her salary and that of the other staff members. And there was a discussion that the center was going to have to close until they could generate more revenue.”

Ms. Serda again deflects responsibility. The truth is that her daughter had a $42,000 salary. Anita received thousands of dollars to organize a festival and her son had access to a classroom at the community center to use as a dance studio. You will hear later testimony that his dance group was a project of the PHCA. The truth is they could not finance their own dance business. While they were talented, the business model was lacking what it needed. The PHCA then allowed them to have the room, charge for teaching the students, and keep the money from performances. Once again, they originally paid rent but upon hard times, the PHCA foot the bill for the space.

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