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Post 49 – Trial – Douglas Kinder (part 6)

The following statement by Kinder was a blatant lie. He states he reviewed records but that is a lie because we have them for you. Pg. 791 Kinder “One of the other notations, especially when you get into the transcript of the May 2013, meeting that Ms. Serda testified that she put forth is he made a notation that the Visalus, I believe that the comment was Visalus is dead, that there was no more money coming in or out for Visalus. And my review of the bank account records for the KeyBank account and also Miss Koester’s Genoa Bank account and her Huntington C-dudes (charitydude), that was not a correct statement. There was still plenty of money in commissions coming in and there was money coming into the Paypal account well beyond that for a lot of those things. So it was far from dead. Let me give you an example. For the deposits for April 2013 into the KeyBank account ending in 1847 there was $40,789.51 withdrawal payment. And payments was $42,050.96. $10,230 was paid to Visalus for more product out of that $42,000.”

Did you notice the meeting was in May and the records he quotes were from April? Look at the records after May 16th and you will see no additional Visalus purchases. Yes, commissions were coming in, but we already explained that commissions lagged product orders by 1-2 months.

Again another piece of testimony that conflicts with the PayPal “theft.” Pg. 793 Kinder “They were just using that to just buy more product directly out of the Paypal account as opposed to running it out of the general fund account or anywhere else.” I thought you could not account for where the money from PayPal went; well $39,000 went to Visalus.

He continues to play stupid or himself. He talks about withdrawals from the PHCA. Pg. 794 Kinder “I could prove that money came out of those accounts. The problem I had was I couldn’t always show where it went.”

It went to festival change, dance change, and to Kristie and Dawid for the $90,000 they spent on Visalus. YOU TESTIFIED TO THIS.

Pg. 797 Beard “So how solid are you that $238,360.36 was taken from PHCA?” Kinder “I’m positive that’s the number I can prove. I believe and speculate there could be more, but I could not prove that.” Beard “So how solid are you on that number?” Kinder “I’m positive on that number.” Amazing. Stupid or Corrupt?

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