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Post 24 – Trial – Elisa Rodriguez (part 2)

Anderson “Ok, when you turned it over to Jason, what did you actually turn over to him?” Rodriguez “I had a white, like, file box. I would keep all the files and all the bills in there. So, it had like electric, gas, and water statements. And I turned that over to Jason.” 5 minutes later at 11:11 am Defense attorney Smith “That’s perfect. You said that as you were leaving being treasurer, you trained, is it, Raquel to take over?” Rodriguez “Yes.” Smith “To the best of your knowledge did anyone train Jason to take over for her?” Rodriguez “I wasn’t there when Jason became treasurer so I can’t speak to that.”

So clear what was happening, but everyone missed it somehow.

Pg. 352 Smith “Did you ever use QuickBooks or anything like that?” Rodriguez “No Excel only.” More to why the reports looked different when Jason took over. He used QuickBooks. Less room for human error. About Elisa’s husband, Smith asks “And did he leave, was he terminated, does he still work there; what’s the status?” Rodriguez “That was something between him and Stephanie. I really don’t remember what happened.”


Smith “Okay. Would you have been a member of the board in September of 2012?” Rodriguez “No.” Jury question, Judge ” …Why did you leave the board?” Rodriguez “…….And then, to tell you the truth, when Jason started coming on the board, coming around more, there was some issues that had happened at the center where he started to make a little fuss with some folks. I just really didn’t want to be around that anymore.”

Nearly the only honest part of her testimony, Jason made a little fuss about a maintenance man lying about hours ripping off the community center and a board member that ruined the community center’s credit. It is undoubtedly understandable why she just stopped showing up. The odd thing is that later in the testimony you will find that she and her husband had no problem knocking on Jason and Kristie’s door to borrow over $500.

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