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Post 68 – Treasurer’s Reports

Much has been said by Anita about not having treasurer’s reports at meetings or their being vague (here, here, here).

For the record, Anita and Jason were on the board together from June 2012 through May 2013. His first meeting as treasurer was July 2012.

Out of the 11 months that Jason was on the board with Anita, There were 8 meetings with one meeting lacking a quorum). Of the seven meetings with a quorum, Treasurer’s reports were presented at EVERY ONE. The reports mention relevant facts as to the financial condition of the PHCA. They include balances of the TCF, the bank accounts, and the CD. They also include income and expenses. They note continually that the PHCA was losing money because it was paying employee salary and health insurance with no grant income and little other income such as from rentals. The PHCA was continually in the red.

Also, there was only one computer at the community center in the Director’s (Stephanie’s) office. The financial records, QuickBooks, and the accounts were all accessible from there. All treasurer’s reports were created on the computer in that office. Doesn’t seem like anything was being hidden from the Director or the Board…

Note: The actual treasurer reports were not included in the minutes from the discovery, but the summaries and discussion of the reports are present.

July 2012

Aug 2012 (No Meeting)

Sep 2012

Oct 2012

Nov 2012

Dec 2012 (No Meeting)

Jan 2013 (No Meeting)

Feb 2013 (No Meeting) [Lacking Quorum]

Mar 2013

Apr 2013

May 2013

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